Sunday, March 22, 2009

Software Project Management

Common Project Issues: Keeping Bad News from the Customer
Rarely does a Project run it's course where there is no bad news to share with the customer. � There's always something. � Whether it's a minor schedule delay or a major Project budget overrun, there's almost always something that goes wrong and presents us with the need to share bad news with the customer. � How we handle these situations often separates the good Project Manager from the bad Project Manager. The Bad News Has anyone really run a decent sized Project without anything

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Anti virus

Download PCMAV 2.0 Valkyrie Final
Akhirnya keluar juga PCMAV 2.0 Valkyrie Final setelah lama ditunggu-tunggu, silahkan download PCMAV 2.0 Valkyrie Final ini disini. Apa saja yang baru pada PCMAV 2.0 Valkyrie Antivirus kebanggaan Indonesia ini APA YANG BARU? a. IMPROVED! Implementasi modul baru untuk manajemen operasi memory dan pencarian file yang begitu cepat dan stabil. b. NEW! IntelligentScan (iScan) engine for ClamAV untuk [...]